Approaching 2 years since THORChain has been in the wild.

03 Apr 2023, 23:25
Approaching 2 years since THORChain has been in the wild. 2 years of swaps, LPing, churns, bugs, fixes, patches, forks, upgrades and more. Remember, it's not the most perfect solution that wins, it's the most robust one. $RUNE

Same news in other sources

03 Apr 2023, 23:34
Why Lending on THORChain? Because without a decentralised alternative, "CeFi" will rug the users again next cycle. That's why THORChads are out here shipping it.
Why Lending on THORChain. Because without a decentralised alternative, "CeFi" will rug the users again next cycle.
Why Lending on THORChain? Because without a decentralised alternative, "CeFi" will rug the users again next cycle. That's why THORChads are out here shipping it.