ETH/AVAX Halt Pending: Important Note Regarding v1. Due to a change in how EVM-based chain gas is calculated in 1.

07 Dec 2022, 22:13
ETH/AVAX Halt Pending: Important Note Regarding v1.101.0 Due to a change in how EVM-based chain gas is calculated in 1.101.0, nodes that upgrade before 2/3rds consensus is reached will receive slashes on network fee events. This is undesirable. Therefore, we are giving advance notice that: 1. In approximately 24 hours, ETH/AVAX will be paused. 2. Immediately after pausing EVM chains, v1.101.0 will be released. 3. After 2/3rds adoption + 3-hour grace period, ETH/AVAX will be unpaused. Node operators are encouraged to be online at or around this time to ensure minimal downtime on the network.