GM $6 DOLLA $RUNE. IT HAPPENED THOR CHADS, we made it, through thick and thin, good times and bad, we hung in there.

15 Nov 2023, 18:19
GM $6 DOLLA $RUNE IT HAPPENED THOR CHADS, we made it, through thick and thin, good times and bad, we hung in there!!! Next stop, $66 dolla $RUNE

Same news in other sources

15 Nov 2023, 18:22
Major respect to @THORChain 's unwavering community. Through thick and thin, these OGs understand the value metrics and it's starting to pay off. Super stoked to have @chainflip joining the mix. Our core community just like theirs has been so supportive and it will pay off.
Major respect to @THORChain 's unwavering community.
Major respect to @THORChain 's unwavering community. Through thick and thin, these OGs understand the value metrics and it's starting to pay off. Super stoked to have @chainflip joining the mix. Our core community just like theirs has been so supportive and it will pay off.