Happy New Year. Ordinals + Bitcoin = magic. Now let's get them some liquidity.

02 Jan 2024, 01:18
Happy New Year. Ordinals + Bitcoin = magic. Now let's get them some liquidity.

Same news in other sources

02 Jan 2024, 01:31
An industry leader whose innovative technology will allow us to streamline liquidity operations on BTC's L1 🧡 ⚡️+🧪 = 🔜 $ORDS $RUNE
An industry leader whose innovative technology will allow us to streamline liquidity operations on BTC's L1. $ORDS $RUNE.
An industry leader whose innovative technology will allow us to streamline liquidity operations on BTC's L1 🧡 ⚡️+🧪 = 🔜 $ORDS $RUNE