In just the past 7 days:. - Vaults hit 925 , 8500 , $11. - 100 nodes staking $179m to secure it all.

27 Oct 2023, 17:58
In just the past 7 days: - Vaults hit 925 🌽, 8500 🦇🔉, $11.4m 💵 - 100 nodes staking $179m to secure it all - $271m in 194k swaps by 4840 users - $75k in affiliate fees earned by frontends - Liquidity fees from swaps > block rewards - 1.36m $RUNE burned by lending (total)

Same news in other sources

27 Oct 2023, 18:05
Massive week, LFG Chads
Massive week, LFG Chads.
Massive week, LFG Chads