"Lending Next Steps.
29 May 2023, 22:43
"Lending Next Steps
On behalf of devs and the Discord community, I would like invite you all to join us tomorrow, Tuesday at 8pm EST (https://everytimezone.com/s/690be146) for a Lending Q&A here on Discord Stages. The goal of this session will be to explain the rollout process, discuss opinions on initial launch parameters, and answer questions/take feedback from the community.
For your consideration, please review the finalized feature overview, authored by <@495386296978767882>: This video represents the final state of the lending feature. Feel free to share it with anyone you know who understands Defi/lending protocols. We would love to hear any feedback. As always, <@495386296978767882> does an amazing job at distilling the salient points. This video should provide a reference for the upcoming Discord Stages.
*Additional Context *
We are entering the "Pre Launch" phase of the lending rollout. The goal of this phase is to get the feature turned on in mainnet, but not to officially announce that the feature is live to the whole world. educate the community about the feature (the initial lending parameters will be too conservative for the average person to meaningfully use the feature).
Next steps:
1) collect feedback from Discord Q&A sessions
2) determine conservative initial parameters
3) publish an ADR laying out the scaling/success criteria
4) kick off the node vote.
Once the community and node operators are confident in the feature's Pre Launch, we can begin the next phase, which is "Hard Launch", which involves talking about the feature publicly. For now, we will keep these sessions internal as they pertain only to the active dev/node community (who truly understand the feature and are educated enough about the protocol to provide meaningful insight).