Wake up, check the chain. 6200+ Savers. $43m+ in Savers liquidity. $1m earned in the past year.

06 Nov 2023, 14:29
Wake up, check the chain 6200+ Savers $43m+ in Savers liquidity $1m earned in the past year

Same news in other sources

06 Nov 2023, 14:47
Just your weekly reminder that of the $13.2bn of #Bitcoin volume today, only 0.17% of it is facilitated through DEX's. Almost all of it coming from @THORChain Chainflip will be facilitating a lot more of this CEX volume through its protocol come launch. We are still early.
Just your weekly reminder that of the $13. 2bn of #Bitcoin volume today, only 0. 17% of it is facilitated through DEX's.
Just your weekly reminder that of the $13.2bn of #Bitcoin volume today, only 0.17% of it is facilitated through DEX's. Almost all of it coming from @THORChain Chainflip will be facilitating a lot more of this CEX volume through its protocol come launch. We are still early.
06 Nov 2023, 14:42
Gaining Momentum: The Rise of @THORChain 's Social Engagement 🔹The notable surge in social engagement for @THORChain , coupled with a substantial rise in ecosystem volume, has created a buzz in the crypto space. 🔸The driving force behind the uptick is the enhanced efficiency in…
Gaining Momentum: The Rise of @THORChain 's Social Engagement.
Gaining Momentum: The Rise of @THORChain 's Social Engagement 🔹The notable surge in social engagement for @THORChain , coupled with a substantial rise in ecosystem volume, has created a buzz in the crypto space. 🔸The driving force behind the uptick is the enhanced efficiency in…